Package: sketch

Chun Fung Kwok

sketch: Interactive Sketches

Creates static / animated / interactive visualisations embeddable in R Markdown documents. It implements an R-to-JavaScript transpiler and enables users to write JavaScript applications using the syntax of R.

Authors:Chun Fung Kwok [aut, cre], Kate Saunders [ctb]

sketch.pdf |sketch.html
sketch/json (API)

# Install 'sketch' in R:
install.packages('sketch', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




5.70 score 125 stars 27 scripts 210 downloads 3 mentions 40 exports 35 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:51d4e441a2. Checks:3 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 13 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 13 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 13 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 13 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Interactive visualisationsketch-package sketch
Parse and annotate expressionsannotate_exprs
Process assets in headersassets
A minimal list of deparsers for deparsing JavaScriptbasic_deparsers
Bundle a list of files into a single JavaScript filebundle
Combine rules for fast transpilationcombine_rules
Compile active file in 'RStudio'compile_active
Compile a data file into a JavaScript filecompile_data
Compile R code into JavaScript codecompile_exprs
Compile an R file into a JavaScript filecompile_r
Convert an asset link into a 'shiny.tag' objectconvert_src
A list of deparsers with additional featuresdefault_2_deparsers
A list of default deparsers for deparsing JavaScriptdefault_deparsers
A list of handlers for processing the '#!'/'#|' headerdefault_processors
Deparsers (specialised)deparse_add deparse_assignment deparse_assignment_auto deparse_assignment_pipe deparse_async_await deparse_call deparse_const deparse_d3_attr deparse_d3_style deparse_data deparse_dataURI deparse_df deparse_df_mutate deparse_df_summarise deparse_export deparse_extract deparse_extract2 deparse_extract2Assign deparse_extractAssign deparse_Family deparse_for deparse_formula deparse_function deparse_function_with_return deparse_html_tags deparse_if deparse_ifelse deparse_infix deparse_lambda deparse_let deparse_list deparse_macro deparse_NA deparse_NaN deparse_new deparse_next deparse_NULL deparse_pipe deparse_R6Class deparse_raw_string deparse_return deparse_subtract deparse_sym deparse_throw deparse_try deparse_tryCatch deparse_typeof deparse_var deparse_while deparse_wrap
Expression deparsing for JavaScriptdeparse_js
Deparse a compiled ASTdeparse_js_ast
Constructor function to combine low-level deparsersdp
A language engine for 'sketch'eng_sketch
Flatten a list of files and directories into a list of filesflatten_filelist
Extract the content of the `load_script` headers of a sketch R fileget_dependencies
HTML templatesbasic_tags default_tags html_tags
Insert a 'sketch' app into an R Markdown documentinsert_sketch
Predicate for callsis_call
Predicate for symbols, i.e. symbols or syntactic literalsis_call_add is_call_assignment is_call_assignment_auto is_call_assignment_pipe is_call_async_await is_call_break is_call_const is_call_dataURI is_call_df is_call_df_mutate is_call_df_summarise is_call_export is_call_extract is_call_extract2 is_call_extract2Assign is_call_extractAssign is_call_for is_call_formula is_call_function is_call_if is_call_ifelse is_call_lambda is_call_let is_call_list is_call_new is_call_next is_call_pipe is_call_R6Class is_call_raw_string is_call_return is_call_subtract is_call_throw is_call_try is_call_tryCatch is_call_typeof is_call_var is_call_while is_d3_attr is_d3_style is_data is_Family is_html_tags is_infix is_macro is_sym is_wrap
Predicate for syntactic literalis_syntactic_literal
Empty functionsconst declare let let-declare-const
License informationlicense_info
Low-level lists of deparsersdp_auto dp_d3 dp_dom dp_macro dp_r_support list-of-deparsers
Header functionsload_data load_Family load_library load_script
A helper function to enable debugger optionlocal
A constructor for a "typed" deparsermake_deparser
Make a handle to process headermake_processor
Make a AST transformation rulemake_rule
Parse R codeparse_expr
Print function for 'sketch_rule' objectsprint.sketch_rule
Mapping R operators into JavaScript operatorsbasic_rules default_rules r-to-js-rules
Read one or more lines from the console for the first successful parseread_multilines
Interface for AST rewritingrewrite
Run 'Shiny' ApplicationrunShinyApp
Perform pre-transpilation checksafeguard
Source active file in 'RStudio'source_active
Serve a compiled 'sketch' JavaScript filesource_js
Convert a compiled AST into a source mapsource_map
Create a source map (.map) filesource_map_from_files
Display the source map in a tablesource_map_table
Source a 'sketch' R filesource_r
Split rules for customisationsplit_rules
Get the source link of a JavaScript librarysrc
Test a sketch applicationtest_sketch
Convert a file into a JavaScript expressionto_json
Verify a source mapverify_source_map
Websocket for 'sketch' applicationswebsocket